Post by AVN Member, Kristin
Did you know that as of May 2008 only about two million people (or 1%), of the entire U.S. population, reported living a completely meat-free vegan or vegetarian lifestyle1? And of that segment about 90% are female? Okay, I made that last one up, but it does seem like I have met way more vegan women than men in the past few years. Either way I suppose it does make the following question a bit clearer -
Why the heck is it so difficult to meet vegan guys... who are single - and looking for a relationship - and my type?!
I've actually had decent conversion rates (from omni to veggie that is). The two long-term guys in my past both became vegetarian, and have remained so. Not that I made it a goal or had to try very hard to convince them. They were both open to the idea and once learning more about it, converted with ease - I was simply a guide along the way.
A few months ago I decided 'out with the conversions and in with pre-existing vegans.' Little did I know that it would be a far greater challenge to find single vegan guys. It appears that most of them have been taken... and why not, they already have a lot more to offer like: no stinky meat breath, no clogged arteries, and probably even a bit of compassion!
Obviously they are out there (and probably growing in number), vegan guys I mean. The question is, where? Does it require long-distance dating (since I am sure they aren't all swarming to Boston just for me!) or is it simply more realistic to hope for additional willing converters?

1 - Cited from Research and Markets report. Summary of report can be found at:
Limiting yourself to 1% of the population sounds like more of a hardship than watching someone across the table munch on the occasional slice of pepperoni pizza. While I'd love a vegan partner, I like to lead by example and hope for the best. You've got a pretty good conversion rate going, as is!
ReplyDeleteI think youir original tactic was beter for the Vegan cause. I for one could never sit with someone who was chowing down on flesh. I give you credit and wish you well with your quest.
ReplyDeleteThis is a difficult and individual matter that one as to determine for themselves. Some advocate dating an omni in the hopes of creating a new veggie. Though I understand this logic, I personally can't go with trying to change someone with the hopes that they will switch to my way of thinking.
ReplyDeleteI chose to go the way of online dating. I was able to located someone who was like minded on various subjects prior to even the first contact. Through email I was able to get a sense if there was any chemistry with the person. I talk to a few before I found the right one, but it did work! My boyfriend and I just finished our first vacation together in Oregon. He will be moving to Albany in the spring....